Transitioning to Fresh Food
To ensure a smooth transition to fresh food, we recommend slowly transitioning by replacing an increasing amount of their food daily until you they have completely transitioned to fresh food. Below is an example transition plan.
Day 1 - 75% old food mixed with 25% fresh food
Day 2 - 75% old food mixed with 25% fresh food
Day 3 - 50% old food mixed with 50% fresh food
Day 4 - 50% old food mixed with 50% fresh food
Day 5 - 25% old food mixed with 75% fresh food
Day 6 - 25% old food mixed with 75% fresh food
Day 7 - 100% fresh food
Healthy Weight
The information and graphic below is related to your dogs Body Condition Score (BCS) and is provided by the Association of Pet Obesity Prevention. Maintaining a healthy weight is critical to you dogs long term health and life expectancy. Please visit the Association of Pet Obesity Prevention for more information.
A BCS is a quantitative tool to used widely by veterinarian’s to evaluate an animal’s body condition, fat accumulation, and nutritional status.
The preferred BCS scale ranges from 1 (emaciated and extremely underweight) to 9 (dangerously obese with an extreme amount of body fat).
An ideal body score is typically a 4 or 5 with a healthy amount of muscle and body fat.
Ribs, spine and hip bones are easily felt and my be visible (coat my interfer with visibility).
A waist and abdominal tuck are seen when viewed from above and side.
Fat can be felt around ribs, spine and hip bones.

Feeding Guidelines
Every dog is unique and has unique feeding requirements. A few things to consider is their activity levels, age, and weather or not they have been de-sexed. Use the table below as a starting point and. adjust as needed.​ We conveniently package our food 1000 kcal per pouch to make feeding simpler. The chart below shows the portion of a bag you should feed your dog daily based on their weight. These are beginning guidelines, adjust as necessary.